Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

So excited for Baby #2 due in July
Here is Max's new shirt
Season's Greetings from Warm and Sunny FL

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Resolution for 2011: do better with the blog :)

Halloween 2010

GG made him a clown costume
I love it lil clown
B (aka Bear) goes everywhere with him
So, the other excuse for being so behind is this month (OCT) we got pregnant again with baby #2!! So very exciting and exhausting. Being pregnant with a 2 yr old (basically) is much harder this time around.

Grandparents Pics

Pawpaw and Nana Stowers with Max
Papa & GG Stewart with Max

Family Pics

I realize I am months behind on posting but I have several excuses, mostly related to moving in Aug but goes my attempt to catch up.

Lori with Max
Daddy and Max

Stowers Family

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sleeping Buddies

Max used to cuddle Scout all the time
Now he just has to HAVE Scout in his bed
He sometimes still drags him around / wants him but Scout has been replaced by......

BEAR!!!! Max loves this Bear. I bought this Bear for him and a dog for Macey for her birthday from Build a Bear workshop. Their washable and certified by asthma / allergy foundation. I loved them when I found them online. Anyway, Max helped stuff his Bear and Macey's dog. He loves this Bear so much that he gnawed a hole on it's nose and my Mom had to sew it. That being said, we bought Bear no 2. So, now I always have one clean. He doesn't know there's 2 of them and I don't plan for him to find out. He takes this thing with him everywhere. He likes to share his food with Bear, give him drinks, push him around on toys, etc.

Pool Time Fun again

Ok, here's what seems to happen a lot. Max falls asleep in the pool on my shoulder. I seem to bounce him to sleep and he will stay like this for 30-60 mins. Not just once, several times now. I think this is where he takes after me. I sleep best in water. Showers, tubs, pools, etc. I don't even use floats to sleep in a pool, I just float myself and can stay that way for hours. Anyway, guess he's taken after me, loves water and sleeps fine in it.
This is at Macey's 1st birthday party
He partied hard and then just passed out

Eating watermelon at Macey's party
He loved eating it this way

My 2 men

Sunday, February 28, 2010

First Haircut

Ok, so we took Max for his first haircut at this great place called Banana's Salon
It was really expensive, almost as much as I pay for me but worth it for the first one
They had cars he could sit in while he got his hair cut and they had TVs with each station so there he was, driving a fire truck and watching ELMO
He actually cried and got mad at us when we made him leave
He just wanted to stay and drive the truck

Recent Cute Pics

I love SCOUT

Playing with toys


Ok, not a cute pic of me but oh well
Max and I were home sick this day
Chris took a pic of us
We both are shiny under our noses from wearing Vick's Vapor Rub
He's playing with the remote to the TV

First Birthday!!!

Ok, so the pics didn't upload in the right order and I don't have the time to fix it so - we'll just have to deal with them the way they are.

Anyway, we had Max several birthday parties. The official first birthday party was on Dec 19th and we had it at one of the party halls where my Dad lives. It's a nice facility and worked well for the party. My parents, Chris' parents, Lena, Aunt Lori, Mike Weston (our friend) and The Hodges: Todd, Marianne and Macey all came. We had a wonderful time and Lil Man enjoyed himself. Covered in cake

Posing, aren't I cute
Just started in on his smash cake

Macey Hodges with Mommy Marianne

Lil Man chewing on his blocks

I love opening presents and I LOVE tissue paper

Decorations galore
I did the theme in bright colors: all red, yellow, green and blue
I think it turned out really pretty and bright which is all I wanted anyway

Food, yum

Max's smash cake

Max's birthday cake
Really the cake for the rest of us since he had a smash cake


Pic of Max eating frog cake

Ok, so after the 12/19 party he got to have another party day on his actual birthday 12/30
I celebrated with him alone that morning because I took the day off of work
We had a blast and he and I made muffins with cream chesse icing which he loved
My parents came over that morning and celebrated with him too
That evening we went to Lena's house where Chris and Lori met up after work
Paul and Kathy had spent the entire day working on a frog cake for Max
So, technically I guess this Lil Man got several parties, but he deserved it and enjoyed every minute of them all

Nana and Pawpaw's Frog Cake


Opening Christmas gifts from Granny and Papaw Stewart
Max is working on saying everyone's names so for right now he's calling Granny GG and Papaw Pop Pop

Loving his Christmas gifts under the tree, pups were curious too. Baxter is never far behind Max seeing what he's doing or more likely EATING!! Daisy usually isn't phased by Max unless he's dropping food. We have never been one to feed our dogs table food, however with Max that's pretty hard to stop. I think that's why Baxter is always two steps behind Max, looking for scraps he leaves behind. Max is very good at saying Daisy's name, it was actually one of the first words he ever learned. He can't say Baxter at all, but he calls him BB instead.
Ooooh pretty tree and lights
Max loved the lights and I hung ornaments on the lower part of the tree that he was allowed to touch / play with

Playing guitar with Pawpaw Stowers
He loves to play "tar tar" with Daddy and Pawpaw
He's pretty good at saying Nana which is what he calls Kathy
He usually just calls Paul Pop for now which is kinda neat because he distinguishes between Paul and my Dad. My Dad is usually Pop Pop and Paul is usually just Pop. Funny to me how smart he is.
HE loves saying Lena's name Nini. We're still working on Aunt Lori, that's taking a while.

Opening Christmas presents with Pawpaw

12 months old!!

Ok, so my blanket picture will no longer work. Max wouldn't sit still long enough. So, this 12mo pic will be the last one on the blanket. This is the best that I could get after DAYS of trying. He just won't sit still now for anything. So, Chris was sweet and built me a board for the wall that we will now mark his height on. Much easier to get him to stand still for a second than to lie still.
Sorry haven't updated the blog for about 6 weeks. It's literally been 6 wks of sickness in our house. Max would get a cold / stomach bug and give it to one of us too. We have passed around so many germs between the three of us that one if not two of us is always sick. March is going to be better though, I know it because Jan and Feb sure have sucked for being sick all the time.