Here he is being high tech. First of all, he sleeps GREAT in his car seat. Second, Nana and Papaw Stowers bought him a webcam and we get on Skype to chat with them. This is to help them no miss Max so much when they go back to WV in April!!! He gets on there periodically and makes faces at them. Here he is with Nana watching him sleep. She literally is on the other end of the webcam babysitting him - watching him sleep!!! (That black thing is the webcam on his chest)

I don't know what he's doing here but it's funny

Chris was sleep deprived the night this happened. Baxter wearing 3D glasses from the Superbowl - Daisy's just watching the activity

Learning head and neck control using the Bumpo

We put his hair in a Mohawk often

I don't want my picture taken and I will hide from you Mommy

Again, don't know what he's doing but it's funny

Funny faces at Daddy
we have thought about getting one for mark's mom..
we have thought about getting one for mark's mom..
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