Above is a picture of the proud Dad.
Here's me, the proud Momma. Notice my ears (not the best picture) - Chris and Max bought me the most beautiful gift - blue topaz earrings, Dec's birthstone. I love them.
Here's Chris, proud to have figured out the car seat he worked so hard on. We are headed home.
Here he is in his going home outfit. I originally wanted to dress him all in WVU clothes to go home but all of the 0-3 months clothes we bought or were given were too big for him at 6 lbs 11 oz. I had to put him in one of his newborn outfits which are still a little large.
We have had a tiring past few days. Max is a little jaundice, but other than that he is doing well. We will keep updating the BLOG - please keep coming back. It's just too hard right now to contact each and everyone of you, but we appreciate your kind phone calls, emails and text messages. We feel your love and thank your for your support.
Welcome Home Max Stewart!!!!! We love you little Mountaineer.
it is so weird to see him going home in short sleeves in december!! compared to lydia looking like a snowman!
Baxter looks as though he wants to play. lol
I'm so happy for all of you!
This blog is a really great way for us to keep up with your lives.
The next thing we'll have to do is live web cam IM's then it will be like your right here.
Love You, Renee <3
Love the new pics! I'm so glad the dogs have adjusted! Love you April!
Lee Ann
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