Marianne came over on Saturday and took pictures for us - I am mid 36 weeks in the pictures which is the start of 9 months. Can't believe it's almost here. I am still due Jan 7, my birthday but we shall see. I think that Baby Stowers will make an earlier appearance, but I still can't tell the sex. I just keep waiting to see what it will be. Chris and I are very excited and anxious to meet our little one.

Here is a picture of my pregnant belly. I love how Marianne had us do this, making a heart and showing our wedding rings.

Here is a picture of the valance and roman shade in the nursery, handmade by my Mom. It's Snoopy - all green, yellow and blue. Beside me is a little clothing rack handmade and handpainted by my Dad. It has all the Peanuts characters running around the post with Snoopy on his dog house on top.

Here we are holding blocks with our choice for a baby girl's name. We decided on Morgan Taylor if the baby's a "she". Morgan after Morgantown, WV where Chris and I met, fell in love and married. We will always be Mountaineers and we thought it was a fitting name for a girl. Taylor came from months of baby letter scrabble. What we did was take my Mom's name (Laura Rose) and his Mom's name (Mary Kathyrn) and jumble up the letters to make her middle name. We decided on Taylor for several reasons - the letters came equally from my Mom's and his Mom's name and it's a great brand of guitars which we all know is one of Chris' loves.

Here's our choice for a baby boy's name: Max Stewart. We actually were watching a Simpson's episode (we LOVE the Simpsons) a while back and Homer had renamed himself Max Power. We kept saying that over and over because we thought it was sooo funny, then we realized Max Stowers was a great name for a boy. Very POWERFUL (haha) but it was the winner of all of our choices. Stewart obviously is my maiden name. It was important to us for Max to have this because I am an only child and we wanted him to still carry on my family name.

Here is Chris talking to the baby, which he does a lot. The baby usually kicks him in the cheek when he does this, it's our fun game. The baby likes when Chris plays guitar for it and when I play Beatles music. Also, I do play the baby the Mountaineer Music from THE PRIDE our marching band. It can't hurt right? This baby will be a Mountaineer tride and true. Lots of things in the nursery are WVU related: either from what we had/bought or lovely gifts from family and friends.

Happy family - waiting on Max or Morgan. Can't wait little baby - we're ready. Let's GO Mountaineer and get this show on the road.
I love the baby block pictures..I might steal that one...
I love all the pictures and I am so happy that you settled on the names, they are GREAT, easy to say, spell and WRITE, they will thank you you both, Lisa
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