Opening Christmas gifts from Granny and Papaw Stewart
Max is working on saying everyone's names so for right now he's calling Granny GG and Papaw Pop Pop

Loving his Christmas gifts under the tree, pups were curious too. Baxter is never far behind Max seeing what he's doing or more likely EATING!! Daisy usually isn't phased by Max unless he's dropping food. We have never been one to feed our dogs table food, however with Max that's pretty hard to stop. I think that's why Baxter is always two steps behind Max, looking for scraps he leaves behind. Max is very good at saying Daisy's name, it was actually one of the first words he ever learned. He can't say Baxter at all, but he calls him BB instead.

Ooooh pretty tree and lights
Max loved the lights and I hung ornaments on the lower part of the tree that he was allowed to touch / play with

Playing guitar with Pawpaw Stowers
He loves to play "tar tar" with Daddy and Pawpaw
He's pretty good at saying Nana which is what he calls Kathy
He usually just calls Paul Pop for now which is kinda neat because he distinguishes between Paul and my Dad. My Dad is usually Pop Pop and Paul is usually just Pop. Funny to me how smart he is.
HE loves saying Lena's name Nini. We're still working on Aunt Lori, that's taking a while.

Opening Christmas presents with Pawpaw