Max had a lot of fun in Morgantown getting to visit with all of his WV friends!!

Max and the Paulys: David and Patti
Chris used to work with Patti in Kingwood when we lived in WV
She makes the best homemade cheesecake I have ever had
I like to call them Patticakes

Max and Devon (Tuna)
Son of one of Chris' friends from where he used to work
He spent a lot of time with us in WV when we lived there going to games with us and hanging out at our house (the dogs love him)

Tammy, one of Chris' friends from where he used to work
She is one of Max's surrogate Grandmothers
Max is very fortunate to have so many people that love him

Here we are with some of my best and oldest friends
Renee and Angie are nurses I used to work with at WVU hospital
Our friendship has stood the test of time & distance
I look forward to seeing them each year
Renee is in the middle and Angie is on the side holding her 6mo old son Tyler

The Kingans
Angie, her husband Brandon and son Tyler (6mos)

Renee with Max having a blast
Max loves to bounce and he had Renee cracking up by bouncing on the table

Max and Tyler
I wish I knew what they were saying to each other
Max kept babbling away to him

Paula Hatten and daughter Lydia Rose with Max (she's 2.5yrs old)
They came to visit us in April in FL
Paula is the wife of Chris' oldest and best friend Mark
We've become such good friends over the years
I consider Paula one of my closest friends too!

Chris and Mark with their kids, future Mountaineers
Max and Lydia posing with their Dads
Note Lydia is patting Max on the head
She absolutely loves "taking care" of him, she's always patting him

The Hatten Family with Max
Mark and Paula holding Max
Wish I would've gotten one of them holding Max and Lydia but alas - next year

Ryan and his girlfriend Sara with Max
They drove down from Shepherdstown to meet us at Los Mariachis for lunch
Ryan is one of my oldest friends from college
We were in the Young Democrats together