He loves the lights, constantly points to them and says "Ooohh"
Monday, December 7, 2009
11 months!!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Cute Max
Max is walking now. He can take anywhere from 3-18 steps so far without falling. Depends on the footing and balance he gets at the start. He can climb up the stairs now also.
He says LOTS of words. Mamma and Dadda were his first, literally within minutes of each other. He has perfected them both over the past month. His next words were "hi" and "bye" associated with waving. Cute as can be, his next word was Daisy, our girl dog. Poor Baxter, he can't say his name yet - that daggone "x" is just too hard. (great for him being named Max).
He worked on those for awhile and within the past week or so he's had a language explosion. He says sweet, that, oh, baby, owl, puppy - I think that's it for now. We're working on more!!
10 Months
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Little Man Growing Up
Granny & Papaw Stewart bought him this
He loves it, but he does terrorize the dogs now
He loves pulling under the kitchen table
We call it his "garage"
He shoves the barstools around to get under there on his own
Last of WV Fun
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
WV Family Fun
We had the pleasure of visiting with some family of mine - The Bells and The Sharps. I consider them family because they've been a part of my life since I was 13!! (almost 20 yrs now) I definately consider Lee Ann to be like a sister to me, I really think we look alike too!!
Lee Ann Sharp with Max & Me
We're very excited because Lee Ann & her hubby John are pregnant which means I get to be an AUNT!!!
The Sharp Family with Max
Max and Tara (their dog) mesmerized by John's antics
check out the Harley
Max loved looking at the motorcycle and waved bye bye to Mick as he pulled out
I think he likes the noise
Lisa makes the best homemade pizza I have ever had in my life
We only get it once a year but let me tell you - I've never had better
Monday, September 14, 2009
Pawpaw's Bon Fire
Max got to enjoy his first bon fire that Pawpaw Stowers made
Pawpaw is showing Max the stones that make up the fire pit
They were in the house of Paul's Pawpaw!!
Check out his camo jacket
Very WV, wearing camo and sitting by the fire
Mountaineer Madness
Max went to his 1st WVU game on Sat
We played ECU and won
Little Man cheered himself out
He's saying, "Where did everyone go?"
We stayed after to get some pics and listen to the band
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